My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Sunday, March 22, 2009

You Eat What Your Shopping Basket Has

I was at the grocer's awhile ago, stocking up on my vegetables. Now, whenever I go grocery shopping, I avoid the instant noodles and biscuits aisle. Because I believe, 'out of sight, out of mind' (ie if you dont buy, you will not eat) So far, this strategy has been working very well, not only helping to ensure that my weight remains check, but adhering to the budget.

You can actually tell the person's lifestyle by what the person has in the shopping basket. Most people have LOTS of processed food (biscuits, junk food, instant noodles, etc) and very little fresh fruits and vegetables. These are the people who are only exercise once a week or perhaps once in a blue moon.

However, when you see that the person has yoghurt, fresh fruits and vegetable and organic products in the basket, you know that this person is health conscious. This person also exercises at least 3 times a week.

Isnt it sad that people automatically gratify for processed food, instead of fresh fruit? Cos processed food taste better, lasts longer and more convenient to store. Of course, switching to mainly fresh fruits and vegetables takes a strong conscious effort. I was there, on the other side before, thus I know, it's truly not easy.

Last time, my shopping basket will always have canned food and instant noodles (for the hunger pangs). Now, whenever hunger pangs strike at night, it's either my FitLine Gourmet Shake or just Oatsmilk.

So healthy eating starts from here - your shopping basket. You want to change your lifestyle - change what you have in your shopping basket.

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