My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who wants to be a Millionaire?

Recently, I attended a seminar on 'The New Secret of the Brain'.

I have always been interested in the workings of the brain ever since I decided that I want to focus on FitLine and be very successful in it. Cos, like what Napoleon Hill states - you become what you think of.

The speaker spoke mainly on the power of the subconscious mind, touched a bit on Brain Gym, and goal settings.

Goal setting has always been my pet topic when I give trainings in our organisation. I guess I am able to talk about it so well since I am the living example of it (I am on my way to the finishing line)

So the speaker posed a question to the hall full of number crunchers - Who wants to be a millionaire?

Without hesitation, I raised my hand, and loudly proclaim, I do, and I want to be a multi-millionaire. Everyone looked at me as I was the only person bold enough to declare. Perhaps, they have doubts in their mind about me, but I dont care. I am not going to fall into THAT category of people who mind about what others think of them.

My point is - if you want more money, why dont you go get it? Money doesnt fall from the sky. If you want something, go get it.

If you want to be a millionaire, tell the world, tell the universe. 'Ask and ye shall receive'. Cos if you dont ask, how does the universe know what you want?

Everyday, these are my declarations, when I am driving. Or when I am waiting for someone during my appointment, I write with my left hand on a piece of paper.

I am a multi millionaire
My income and wealth grow quickly
Money comes to me easily
Lucrative opportunities always come my way
I earn massive passive income
I am financially FREE
(declarations copyrighted by T Harv Eker)

And I know, I am getting there, thanks to PM International AG.

Why dont you join me?

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