My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Take how long to slim down?

During the weekend, I attended a conference in downtown KL. As usual, being a networker, I started chatting with my neighbours who were sitting beside me and behind me.

As usual, the question of 'What do you do?' pops up. This is the time where I fish out my namecard and eventually, I show my photo testimony of 'Before' and 'After'.

This particular lady whom I was sharing the photo with, was so impressed with my results. She started asking questions - take how long? how to do it?

And when I gave her the answers, (ie replace meals with FitLine Gourmet Shake, watch your food intake, exercise, etc) her respond was - So difficult! I have no time for exercise!

This is where I find the human species so peculiar. I honestly believe that there is no short cut to anything. That is how nature works. You just have to go through the steps and processes, to achieve long term results. Any short cuts, only lead to short term results. You dont see a tree growing half of its size, do you???

And homo sapiens are such that everything has to be instant. So, at the end of the conversation with the lady, I encouraged her by saying - If I can do it, so can you!

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