My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Good income in MLM

Recently someone shared with me that the person knows of another person who earns good money. The person has been involved in a MLM company for a few years and earning a very good 5 figure, almost 6 figure income monthly.

I honestly feel happy each time I meet a MLMer, be it from FitLine or another company. Why? To show that MLM is a credible industry, and more professionals are joining and making good income.

There a few bad apples in the industry and these are the ones who paint MLM as another ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme or quick rich scheme or whatever scheme you want to name it.

Like it or not, word of mouth marketing is the MOST powerful and effective form of marketing. Thus, MLM is here to stay. More so when more people have chosen to work from home.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Out of the Rat Race

Recently played cash flow at a designer’s office. Totally love his office. The concept, the openness, EVERYTHING!

I call this place 'the cash cow venue' since this office generates multi million dollars businesses every other day.

I was just soaking up the ambience and playing cash flow at the same time. WOW.

Being self employed

I went down town the other day to meet a prospect. I have never liked going downtown during peak hours, since the traffic will be horrendous. Since at times, no choice but to go during peak hours, I will take the public transport.

Thus, that explains why I rarely take the public transport during peak hours. It’s so humid here, and by the time I reached my destination, my attire will be drenched in sweat.

After my appointment ended, I boarded the train to get home. Here, I had a realization. That I am so thankful that I made a decision to work on my own. The office workers in trains/public transport are always so gloomy. No one smiles. Can feel that the energy level is so low. Perhaps in their mind is – thank God the day is over? I can now go back and enjoy my telly?

The gloomy faces in the LRT

I am a true Malaysian

This year’s Deepavali celebration was different from the previous years.

I was invited to 2 open houses – a friend’s and my neighbour's. This is what I like about living in Malaysia. All races coming together to enjoy good food, company and just enjoying the moment.

And coming from a foodie, I have always looked forward to the open houses, especially those hosted by friends, because you know that the food is home cooked.

And this is also a good time to casually mention about FitLine. Nothing threatening, since it’s part of the ice breaker – What do you do?

Yummy home cooked food

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Food for thought. Ice cream to eat or not to eat?

Was at McDonalds a few days ago. Made appointment to see prospect there.

When I'm there, I will normally get a bottle of mineral water to make Activize for both the prospect and myself to drink. Heck, I even realised that the price of mineral water went up from RM2.20 early this year to RM2.80 now. What's the reason? For better bottom line?

Anyway, I saw someone eating Chocolate sundae earlier. At the counter, thoughts were coming in. Hmmm...yummy. Time was 5.25pm. Close to dinner time. Then I thought maybe I should taking Ice Cream cone, not so heavy.

Hmmm...then I thought with all the cream, the fresh milk, and the money could be used for my FFA account?

At last, FFA account won! YES! So proud of myself. And proceeded with dinner at 645pm.

Anger Management = Supplements required?

After my appointment yesterday, while walking to my car, I heard loud honking. I looked up trying to trace the source of it.

Goodness, it was a tow truck across the street, about 500m away honking. It was honking, and honking and honking. Someone or something must be blocking its way!

So, I looked. (wont look if I'm driving. dont want to be part of the kay poh (Malaysian slang for busy body) statistics who jam up the streets)

Turned out that a car was blocking its way. The tow truck driver, came down, and proceeded to SCOLD the driver of the car blocking its way. And mind you, I can hear his SCOLDING from across its street.

I was worried that his anger will get the better of him and leave him bashing the lady driver.

Dont know what happened next as I have reached my car.

Perhaps he lacks minerals? Minerals, have a calming effect on the body. That is why minerals are meant to be taken at night, and NOT early in the morning!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Plan B = working from home

A few months ago, I met up with a friend who was very frustrated with work. C was considering throwing in the towel.

Why frustrated with work? Unsupportive working environment, baby in the family, and sheer boredom.

After a little brainstorming, I urged C to do her part time business and start from home.

Fastforward that, a few days ago, I text C to ask her the progress of business plan.

C replied "Not good"

I informed C that C has to be around supportive people and truly work on the business plan if C is serious about the career change.

I did suggest to C to consider doing FitLine business. But C mentioned that C cant imagine oneself to meet people on a daily basis to share about FitLine. Well, maybe time will change that.

Hoping to hear good news from C.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Call of Nature?

I was waiting at a cafe for someone to pass me something.

I have learnt from past experience to bring a book whenever I am waiting for someone for appointment.

This time, I waited for an hour for the person to come (Napoleon Hill really kept me company)

While waiting, something very interesting happened. A kingfisher bird flew in and landed on a picture frame, near the wall I was sitting.

I have always believed that nature has a way of conveying message. And I believed that the bird was trying to tell me something (it could have landed anywhere in the cafe, right?)

The person I was waiting for arrived. We exchanged namecards. And perhaps more FitLine business coming from him?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Accelerated Learning

I had been extremely busy for the past few days, which explains the lack of updating my blog.

So many things happened but whatever happens shall keep a positive outlook.

I had lunch with an ex colleague from I hadnt seen for many years. She is still in accounting while I have moved away from it for many years.

Since I'm a huge believer of self development, in particular trainers who use accelerated learning, I urged her to join me in my events.

To my surprise, she still belongs to the old school of - sit back, listen and absorb as much as you can and you will go along fine.

In FitLine, and everything else, I learn best when I do and I keep on improving and learning, making mistakes along the way.

As you may guess, my friend declined my invitation to events - to much work just to self develop :(

Monday, October 12, 2009

Financial freedom with CashFlow(R)

For the past few months, I have been playing Cashflow 101 and most recently Cashflow 202 (both games were invented by Robert Kiyosaki). The objective of the game is to get out of the rat race and achieve your dreams, be it to buy land or to do charity or whatever.

And interestingly enough, games are really a reflection of your behaviour in real life. If during the game you have difficulty keeping track of numbers, in real life is the same.

If during the game, you dont pay attention (ie dont know what is happening) in real life is the same. Go through life blur blur or MC2 (mung cha cha)

And interestingly enough, my personal experience with Cashflow 101 opened my eyes on the possibilities of opportunities around me. Previously, I just wasnt aware of them, or should I say, I chose not to see?

And now, it's FitLine and more cashflow opportunities :)

The Cashflow box and board

Prevention is better than cure

Met a friend, F who was having drink with another friend, C.

Half way through the conversation, C shared that C has rather bad stomach ulcers due to many years of taking daily neat orange juice in a glass.

Thus, I began sharing on how FitLine helps with gastric and stomach ulcers.

To my surprise, C mentioned that C has no discipline on taking supplements. Would rather take charcoal tablets for the discomfort.


Some people never learn eh? That prevention is better than cure.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mysteries of the Mind - Unsolved

I attended a half day seminar this morning(for self development and to share about FitLine the supplement). It was pretty good information, albeit one of the speakers didnt have good presentation skill.

Before the seminar started, there was a slide that stated 'Please silence your handphone'.

Obviously a few folks either choose not to see or were ignorant of the slide. Thus, mid way, a few handphones rang.

I honestly dont know why Malaysians still havent got used to the habit of silencing their phone before a meeting/seminar/movie. I will do it automatically since I dont want the risk of embarrassment.

Thus, I started to ask myself - why are people like that? Mind you, today's seminar participants are of at least middle to higher class net worth. These folks are educated and knowledgeable. Perhaps education DOESNT mean cultured?

Like what one of my mentor, Jim Rohn, mentions, these falls under the 'mysteries of the mind' ie cant be explained and no point pondering further on it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who needs supplements?

I met N, who enjoys eating and cooking.

When N asks me what I do, I naturally passed N my namecard and showed FitLine Activize, one of our products.

Immediately N said that most supplements are not necessary and a huge marketing gimmick.

One can get all the necessary nutrients from a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables.

Excellent, I thought to myself. Someone who doesnt believe in supplements and yet look so haggard. (I was thinking to myself - hello - why organic produce then? cos of the pesticides and chemicals!)

Looks like more people out there needs more education on supplements.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What an amazing weekend thanks to FitLine!

Last weekend was one of the most amazing weekends I ever had. Was in town.

What was so amazing about it?

The people who I met (in the course of wanting to share about the FitLine MLM business):
- a mutlimillionaire who retired at the age of 40+
- a local lass who is a strong advocator of organ donation and very much into self development
- a high networth lady who willingly shared about her spiritual path (and I got to sit in her Porsche!)

All the 3 individuals willingly shared about their knowledge and life and honestly I feel that I have information overload. I am still trying to sort out the information in my mind.

I have always believed that everything is about timing. That the universe will provide you the path when you are ready.

I am ready.