My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Assume = Making an ASS out of U and ME

Since I will be climbing Mount Kinabalu next month, I have been training very diligently daily. I plan to make it to the summit and enjoy the journey. So, my daily training is either the 1 hour 15 minutes trek at Gasing Hill or 70 floors staircase at my condo, both laden with 5 kg of water in my backpack.

Somehow, training in natural jungle and concrete jungle is just different. I dont get the same workout at the staircase, compared to the natural jungle, ie Gasing Hill.

So, whenever opportunity arises, I want to go to Gasing Hill. However, being outdoors, I am subject to the weather. If it's raining, I cant go. The trek is very slippery. The weather these past few mornings have been very unpredictable. Thus, when it's sunny, I know that I will get my Gasing Hill workout.

Normally, I will go to Gasing Hill with my trekking buddy. Somehow, this morning, there was miscommunication. I assume that my buddy knows we are trekking this morning. On the other hand, my buddy assumed that since there was no text from me to confirm trekking, we are not trekking! (The assumption arose from our previous conversation, where it was implied, if it's fine weather, trekking goes on)

Talk about communicating without communicating! So, there I was at Gasing, all ready to go, when my buddy didnt know we are trekking! Since I was there, all dressed up in my gear, I just went trekking alone. It's definitely very different, trekking alone and with someone.

During the trek, I kept on thinking to myself. We assume too much in life. That is where miscommunication arises. Thank goodness this is a minor miscommunication. What about those situations that go out of hand due to major miscommunication? Gosh. I better make sure it doesnt happen to me.

Like in FitLine, whenever I communicate with my business partners, I always repeat myself to make sure I understand what is asked of me. And I find that, by repeating, the message is clear. So, dont assume!


  1. with this kind of consistent training, you'll conquer more than Mount K!

  2. thanks! we shall see what happens after Mount K.
