My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I came, I saw, and I conquered Mount Kinabalu

Me at Mount Gorilla (face of Gorilla on the mountain)

Me at Low's Peak...

At long last, after weeks of training, at 545am April 15, I reached Low's Peak (aka the highest peak of South East Asia at 4,092.5m above sea level) with 2 of my team mates.

What was the feeling? Of course GREAT! The scenery was magnificient. Things like this makes you appreciate Mother Nature for her beauty and serenity.

Kinabalu Park (the base of Mount Kinabalu) and its surrounding is such a beauty. Fresh air, scenic views, fresh fruits and vegetables. I just felt healthier being there!

Nevertheless, this trip to Mount Kinabalu is such an eye opener to me. I got to know my friends better (I think the jokes from this trip will be a legend among us), I got to know myself better and I truly enjoy outdoors.

All the way up to the summit and down, I was constantly sipping FitLine Fitness Drink. And I can honestly attest that it REALLY helped. I wasnt as tired as the rest and able to keep up my pace and momentum to reach the destination in almost record time.

Initially, my team mate, KT, refused to drink the Fitness Drink. She was happy just having plain water. I respected her decision. Half way through the 6 hours trek, she felt exhausted. She then relented to having Fitness Drink. Almost immediately, she felt the surge of energy and rejuvenation! Haha...only if she had taken it earlier. Both of us arrived hours ahead of the rest!

Now that Mount K has been conquered, I will need to conquer the next item on my list...


  1. Yay!! Congratulations!! I'm sure that no mountains is too high and no trail too difficult for you! Yay!!

  2. Congratulations! Glad u enjoyed the mountain trip ;)

  3. Thank you all! Yes, it was a GREAT trip. yes, no mountain is too high for me.
