My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Monday, April 6, 2009

Dream Stealers

Today, I had lunch with an old friend. Someone whom I havent seen for ages.

The first thing she commented when she saw me was 'You lost weight!' (That shows how long I havent seen her. I have lost my weight and maintained the weight loss for more than a year now)

We started talking about our careers, how our mutual friends are doing and finally she asked exactly what I did to lose weight.

I told her I went on the FitLine Weight Management Program and have maintained the weight loss via daily exercise and now, preparing for my Mount K trip.

She then commented 'Eh, you sure you can manage the climb ah? It's very tough one you know...'

I was practically speechless for a split second the moment I heard this. I have known this friend for more than 10 years and THAT remark was the least I have expected from her.

I then proceeded to tell her that I have been training diligently for the past 3 months for Mount K and I'm sure I will succeed climbing the highest mountain in South East Asia.

I was also thinking. THANK GOODNESS I didnt share with her my dreams. My dreams of achieving financial freedom, my dreams of being of service to others, etc. She would be one of the many dream stealers lurking around.

Sad isnt, that a friend has regressed in mindset? But that is life. Not many choose to adjust their sail to arrive at their destination. They just rely on the wind to take them wherever.


  1. Go for it! Don't let anything or anyone stop you. The Victory will be yours! Reaching the peak is all about you, your will and determination. Everything else is supplemental...and when you are there, say a prayer for the 'naysayers'...that they too may be blessed to achieve as you have.

  2. Thanks P Qimm :)

    I have made up my mind that I will reach the summit. Yes, naysayers will remain as naysayers.
