My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gender Equality

During MMI over the weekend as mentioned in the earlier post, we had to group for an activity. The activity was based on overcoming FEAR.

Since this was my second time attending MMI, I wasnt fearful at all for the activity. In fact, I had done in more than once. And this time round, I wanted to step up, to be the leader.

Thus when it came to choosing a leader I volunteered. A guy wanted to become a leader, but since I was 'louder', he relented.

One of my teammates, an elderly gentleman close to I think 60 years old, looked worried.

'Have you done this before?' he asked.
I nodded yes.
'Ok, then.'

Hmm...I can bet you, had a guy been the leader, this question wouldnt be asked. Why is it at this time and age that females are still considered the weaker of the gender, given a task which is not physical?

Thank Goodness FitLine doesnt discriminate genders!

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