My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dark and Light

This article is dedicated to my good friend, GY. You make me laugh, my

I had lunch with my very good friend, GY yesterday. A few things happen during the lunch, but too long to describe it here. Will just pen a summary of us...

Both of us are similar in our own ways -
1. we have our goals to reach and we want things done FAST.
2. we both care very deeply about our family and friends
3. we are both people of integrity
4. we enjoy reading (although different genre of books)
and much, much more...

But both of us are also different in our own ways -
1. I am a perfectionist, GY is a long as things get done, GY is fine. Doesnt have to be in a straight line, not in order, etc...You get my drift.
2. GY loves to do public speaking. I am doing it now, as part of my self growth. Getting better at it day by day
3. I am quite good with my road directions. GY once called me 'walking GPS'
4. GY is good at coming up with 'out-of-this-world' witty replies much to my amusement.
and much, much more...

These are what make our friendship so special and unique. We are both so different and yet, we accept our differences and enjoy each other's friendship.

And GY, your youngest son, to me, is a replica of you (behaviour wise). He makes me laugh too!

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