My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Monday, January 5, 2009

I don't believe in processed food

Today, I met up with this person to share about FitLine.

Before I could start, she told me that she doesnt believe in supplements because they are all processed and contains a lot of chemicals, preservatives, fillers, etc. Thus, she would rather take the natural food. She mentioned that she has done all research on ALL of the health products in the market and all are BS.

This is a very common remark that I often get. That the safety and quality of food supplements are not guaranteed.

So, I assured her, with FitLine, it is different. We adhere to International Good Manufacturing Practice (iGMP) and we even have our highest endorsement of safety in vitamins from Swiss Vitamin Institute of Lausanne. And both of these endorsements are third party. Fine, enough said, my prospect is assured of the quality now.

But, she is still unconvinced that supplements are necessary in our current lifestyle. I remember we did a body fat % scan a few week earlier on her, and hers was above 35% (ladies in her age group should have lesser than 33%). And another comment remark is, she feels fine. Thus, no need for supplements.

This is where education comes in. Feeling fine doesnt mean we are fine. When pain emerge, our body is already in semi healthy condition. Thus, we have to maintain our health to stay in the healthy zone.

Our current lifestyle of eating out, truly lacking in fresh and raw fruits and vegetable make supplement a MUST. We are just not getting enough recommended nutritions daily from our current diet and supplements are required to close the gap.

At the end of our meeting, I just thank her for her time, and in my heart, I pray that her health condition is ok. And she actually represents the MAJORITY of the people in the population, that I'm-fine-so-no-need-supplements.

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