My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Going the Extra Mile

I attended a gathering of like minded people, who are positive and are into self development. They have a speaker every month to share about their life journey and how they are reaching out to help others.

The recent speaker is to me, a true and true teacher. When she spoke, you could feel her enthusiasm to reach out with a sincere heart with no intention of monetary gain. Since her topic was 'Going the Extra Mile', she shared testimonies after testimonies of her colleagues and herself of the joy of doing so.

After her sharing, I was thinking of how much have I gone the extra mile in my business and service of FitLine. I shared with the group of how much I did go the extra mile and many a times I was frustrated that I wasnt appreciated.

Then, the group feedback to me that 'Going the Extra Mile' means doing it without expecting any form of appreciation. It was based on the concept of joy of giving. Wow. Now, I need to internalize that.

The night ended with a quote 'Let's work towards the Extra Mile. It is NEVER crowded at the Extra Mile'. how true...

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