My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Monday, February 8, 2010

Steadfast Marketing Plan

Over the weekend, a friend shared that she met up with her old friends. Her old friends were with MLM A. The old friends quit their full time job a few years ago to pursue a career with MLM A. MLM A is well known in the market. Their products are non-consumable and their marketing plan is binary.

Thus, when the old friends told my friend that they left MLM A, my friend was shocked (since at one point there were so focused)

I shared with my friend that when choosing a MLM company, it's important that the marketing plan is steadfast and also consumable products. Yes, most steadfast plans will give you trickles of water in the first few months (this is where it will test the heart and faith of an MLMer). But the trickles of water will eventually burst with overflowing gushing water given consistent effort.

I have read, heard this testimony, over and over again from many MLM leaders. Put in at least 5 years of consistent effort and reap the rewards later on. Success is definitely sweet :)

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