My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Monday, January 30, 2012

Then and Now

One for the family. I am standing extreme right. The adult
and child sitting are visitors

The Chinese worldwide are currently celebrating our New Year. Thus, it's a tradition to go back to our hometown, and spend time with our family and friends.

During my recent trip hometown, I came across this old photo. I think it was taken in year 2005. It's a family photo, and in the middle, there is a lion head. It's a traditional dance, where the Lion Dancing Troupe is invited to the house or office to cast evil spirits away and to bring good luck.

I guess that year my parents decided to invite the Lion Dancing Troupe to the house.

Lo and behold, who is the person standing extreme right? It's yours truly! Gosh, initially I couldn't recognise myself. Who is this obese person???

I am so gladly that I managed to lose the weight, stay lean and adopt a healthy lifestyle with the help of FitLine.

No wonder my ex colleagues and old friends can't recognise me now, when I bumped into them in the streets...


  1. Truly impressive. Should've scanned at higher-res, though. ;)

  2. Just saw this comment, Lester. Thanks for the compliment :)
