My Heavy Journey - The Secrets

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tribute to A Very Special Person

This post will be a very personal post for me. The reason being, I would like to pay tribute to someone very dear to me.

This person went home to her maker on April 10, 2015. This person taught me basic values which are generosity (always donating according to her capacity), kindness and compassion. This person taught me to spread love and cherish simplicity. Material things are just things. It is all about touching lives and just being there for someone in need.

And this person taught me about humility. That all humans are the same, regardless of ranking and status. What is most important is how the person treat others around him or her.

During my schooling years (I had trouble waking up for school, like any other normal teenager), she would wake me up with a gentle kiss on my forehead or cheek and said “Good morning, sweetie/darling”. She would then proceed to prepare my hot bath (by carrying the heavy metal kettle from downstairs to upstairs, and mix cold water and hot water into the basin. Why didn’t we have a heater? It is because she didn’t want to spend unnecessarily).

When things didn’t go too well in school, she was always there for me, up to my university days.  

After graduating with Degree in Accounting (with Dean’s list) and working in the Accounting industry for a few years, I was very unhappy and she supported me to pursue my endeavours.

Who is this mysterious person? She is my dear, beloved Mother.

With her memory in mind, I honour her by continuing to pledge part of the proceeds of LadangSari International Sdn Bhd to the underpriviledged segments of society. I feel truly blessed to be in the capacity to give, help others and hope that the blessings will continue to pay forward.

Thank you for being part of my blessings and journey.

Mom enjoying her cake, during my Parents' Anniversary in 2010